What are your thoughts on the election? a friend asked me recently. I’m sure you’ve encountered that question as well, whether as asker or askee.
First, let me say one thing. My head is not in the sand. I have many feelings about this administration and the upcoming election. I have words that I am not afraid to mince in response to this question. Part of me just wants to vote for that jet pack person - what ever became of that anyway?
And yet.
There’s a deeper place in me - a place of expansion - that I practice cultivating. When I go to that place, my answer is much different. It may actually seem a little surprising.
My answer is simply this: I’m cultivating a way of being that ensures I will remain grounded and present no matter what the outcome of this election.
I am someone who has a lot of privilege, yes. But I’m speaking from a place deeper than that. An inner place where I can continue to stay present, to focus on responding rather than reacting, and to listen for my invitation to do justice here and now. To hold space for a deeper soul consciousness to emerge. To know that there is a force more powerful than the kingdoms of this world. That force lives within each of us as Presence.
This answer is born out of Love and not Fear.
But the only way I can get there is to acknowledge my fear, and let all the feelings, like pain, anger, fear and grief move through me. When I can look at them, I am in touch with a deeper and more expansive place within. The Love place. And true to Love’s nature, it transforms everything. So instead of me becoming the feelings, they become my teachers. They become stars in the constellation of my soul, shining light on how I want to show up in the world and what my work is to do. This is what I mean by responding instead of reacting. The point is to feel it all, to acknowledge it all, and by doing so, become more expansive.
I know, we’re all tired. The news is overwhelming. It is not normal to process so much constantly.
But here’s the thing - my soul is not tired. My soul feels more alive and as energized as ever. It’s because of this space I’m cultivating within. I’m nurturing it. I’m connecting with others who inspire it. I’m prioritizing self-care. I’m listening for daily guidance and practicing responding faithfully.
For example, the other day, these words came through me:
I’ll hang wreaths of rosemary on my door,
to remind you who you are.
I hear these words as song lyrics or a line in a poem. They are beautiful. These words are greatly metaphorical for me as a spiritual director, but here’s the thing - I actually made rosemary wreaths and hung them on the doors of our house. It was a way to respond, to say
I’m listening, and thank you for these beautiful words. Thank you to the Presence inside of me, allowing me to hear what is emerging. I trust you.
It was a way to be in conversation with something more powerful than the news. Some call this prayer.
What happened the next day? A friend texted I need you. Turns out she just needed to be reminded of who she was. She needed to re-member that place of Love and Presence inside her. And true to form, it transformed her as well. She shifted to a whole new place, full of possibility and empowerment.
When we nurture this space within ourselves, we are ready to walk each other home as well. There are moments when this feels like a superpower. And it IS!
Try it right now in this moment….
Take three deep breaths.
Notice the mental chatter fade as you enter your body.
Notice where you’re holding tension. Then breathe in and squeeze the muscles around that area and breathe out, relaxing the muscles. It’s a way of saying I see you and feel you and I won’t forsake you. I invite this life force to flow through you.
Put one hand on your gut and one hand on your heart.
In this moment right here and now, can you name three gifts? Three things that you are grateful for? It could be as simple as the softness of your shirt.
In this moment, are you okay?
In this moment, is anything emerging? Listen. Don’t judge it. Trust it.
This is the place.
Hang an energetic wreath of rosemary on the door to remind you you are home.
Then return, return, return, until you can no longer bear to leave.
If you are interested in cultivating this place further, please be in touch. I’d love to work with you. Visit soulence.space to learn more.