You’re here because you’re tired of living life according to rules that don’t resonate with your soul.
You feel something drawing you to a new way of being in these challenging times.
You’re here because you’re ready to let go, live in freedom, and embody your beloved essence.
I know what it’s like to feel exhausted on a soul level.
I know what it’s like to long for something more.
And I know what it’s like to experience the shift and live from a place of deeper alignment.
-Chris Hoover, Spiritual Director
For the sake of the world…
Soul work is the preface to any action. If we wish to see change in the world, we have to begin within, with the one person we can change, understanding our place in the collective.
I am part of a Movement Chaplaincy Group that supports the movement for collective liberation in our communities and world. The world is ripe for expanded consciousness. That work begins within and moves between us.
Honoring the Divine Feminine…
I have a deep appreciation for the power of the Divine Feminine - holding space by being present to what is, honoring the heart’s longings, and trusting deep wisdom to guide.
In being able to befriend all the questions, grief, joys and desires, we touch into a deeper knowing that there is no place we can be that is beyond the reach of Divine Love. From this place, even the most painful parts of our journey can contribute to our growth and expansion.
Being present with what is…
The most beautiful moment is when I enter a space with another human, not knowing what will arise. I savor the trust I have in the process of being present, listening, reflecting and inviting. I love the transformative possibilities of that space. I love how Spirit is always present. I love how Unconditional Love anchors it all.
Background and Training…
Spiritual Direction Certificate (Kairos School of Spiritual Formation - Wernersville, PA)
Reiki Master (Radiance - Lancaster, PA)
Master of Arts in Religion (Lancaster Theological Seminary - Lancaster, PA)
Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) Training Level 2 (Center for Justice and Peacebuilding - Harrisonburg, VA)
Safe Space Training (Friendly City Safe Space - Harrisonburg, VA)
Anti-Racism Training (Damascus Road)
Spiritual States Program (Common Awakening)